Effective Vacation Bible School Follow-Up
is more than just sending a postcard...
Maybe you can relate to my frustration with not knowing how to do effective follow-up
Vacation Bible School is a ton of work. Don't miss out on any opportunities...
VBS is a mission to share the gospel with kids. But that cannot be the end of VBS.
With so many contacts made at VBS, failing to follow-up with families effectively is like leaving cards on the table. It is like telling someone that they have a sin problem, but failing to share the amazing hope and solution that Jesus offers through His death on the cross.
But there is the problem. How do you follow-up effectively?
You can probably relate. As you are planning VBS, you think about how you want to be more intentional about following up with families. You want to pursue contacts made at VBS. But the task is SO daunting. You don't know how to add more work to your load without becoming burnt out. And yet, you still deeply desire to reach out to those people who shared their kids with you during the week of VBS.
And here you find yourself. Caught.
Sure that your follow-up plan needs to change. Unsure of what to do.
So you just keep on in the same direction.
You decide that a letter or a postcard graciously thanking your guests is going to be as effective as you get. You might even pursue a child who made a profession of faith for a while this year.
But that nagging feeling of, "we could be doing more," just continues to linger. Don't ignore that feeling.
We are designed to pursue excellence because our God is excellent. He created us in His image and as little image-bearers, we are called to work at everything we do as for the Lord. And this includes VBS follow-up.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
You scour Pinterest for decorating ideas.
You create the most detailed plan for the week.
And you are always hoping for more kids than last year.
Don't do VBS Follow-Up ineffectively.
You know that you spend lots of hours (many or all of them volunteer hours) on decorations.
You know that you evaluated many different curriculums to determine the one that just fit your church and your purpose for VBS. You know that you previewed many songs to find the ones that your kids would love.
You trained your volunteers to share the gospel. You taught them how to lead a child to Christ. You encouraged them to pursue excellence in their classroom or crew.
You pinched pennies and begged for donations. You evaluated crafts and tried about 1000 different ones until you found the most affordable and best looking ones.
You are in the process of putting on an outstanding program.
- VBS is hard, hard work. You don't need me to tell you that!
- You don't want to miss out on opportunities with families. This may be the only time that you have contact with a visiting family. You don't want to lose a potential opportunity to share the hope of Christ with them.
- Effective VBS Follow-Up is essential for your program. Because you don't want to do all the work of VBS and miss out on the hope of a heart change in your families.
You can do follow-up effectively.
You just need someone to walk you through the steps. You are totally capable of changing your follow-up status quo. And it isn't that hard to do.
It doesn't take another huge program. It doesn't take a whole lot more of your precious and scarce time.
It takes a little extra planning.
But you are in a place where you can afford to plan a little more. You most likely have a few months before VBS. You most likely have most of the systems for effective follow-up already in place. You just need to leverage them to their full potential.
But don't worry. If you are a spring break VBS-er, you still have time to implement these steps to create an effective follow-up plan. You aren't too late.
You are looking for the “Effective VBS Follow-Up Email Course”

This is the perfect blend of learning on your own schedule and still getting the tools that you need.
The Effective VBS Follow-Up Course is designed for VBS directors like you in mind. It is a simple system to learn and implement and is versatile for any VBS program.
- This is an email course. It will be delivered directly to your inbox. You won't have to learn any new programs or course systems. You will just read each email lesson as you would an email from your senior pastor.
- You will be equipped to use VBS as a tool to reach entire families, not just kids. VBS is a great evangelistic tool, but it can be leveraged to do more than that too. Use it to its fullest potential.
- You could be given the opportunity to share the hope of Jesus with an entire family. By loving and pursing families well, you could be given the chance to introduce them to Jesus who can change the direction of their family life and ultimately, their eternity.

Start learning how you can Effectively Follow-up your Vacation Bible School
In one week's time, you can have a follow-up plan ready for your upcoming VBS!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with this product, please contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will give you a complete refund.
But what about the cost?
Yes, there is a cost to this course. It is $48. It shows the value of the course, but it a dollar amount can't be put on the worth of potentially having an opportunity to change lives for all eternity.
The cost also allows for more great resources to be produced by The Best VBS.
Is it really possible to add one more thing to your VBS planning?
Yes. Yes, one thousand times yes. It is one of the most valuable things that you could do for your VBS and for your community. It is absolutely doable. You will be given simple and actionable steps to implement a follow-up plan.
You will be encouraged to lead others as they help you complete this follow-up plan. You won't do this alone. And you won't be disappointed.
And you won't be asked to plan another huge event. [Insert sigh of relief.]
Get started on Effective VBS Follow-Up, today.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to love your visitors well
Don't miss another year of using VBS to its fullest potential. Jump on this opportunity right away.

P.S.: You can do VBS follow-up effectively without taking this course. But this course will save you time, encourage you to think outside of typical follow-up methods and encourage you to equip others to serve and love as the Body of Christ. Don't miss out on this opportunity.