So about me…well, first of all, you need to know that I love French Fries. Like a lot. I often order at restaurants based on whether it comes with fries. I also choose restaurants based on how their fries rate in my book.
But really, I am a girl who loves Jesus. I’m a wife and a mom to two wonderful kids. I love serving and teaching in the local church. And you guessed it, one of my favorite areas to serve is Vacation Bible School. I have done it all (at least most of it) when it comes to VBS. I have monitored the toddler activity time to emceeing VBS to writing curriculum to co-directing the program. I love interacting with the kids that come to VBS.
When I’m not doing VBS (or eating French fries), I love to play with my kids. We are a family that likes to laugh and have fun. We like to play outside, pretend (often that we are going to “Coronation Day” or that Cinderella lost her slipper), and play basketball.
I always love to hear from you! Whether it be success stories to celebrate, items for prayer, or funny anecdotes; please feel free to share them with me. Here are some ways to contact me:
For His Glory,