Amazon Prime Day Deals for VBS Directors

Wether you are in the thick of VBS planning right now or your VBS is over, it might be wise to have Amazon’s Prime Day on your radar.

You may need a few more supplies for your VBS (like me) or you may have a little bit of money left in your budget. If you operate on the “use it or lose it,” principle with your budget, today and tomorrow are the days to use it.

Every VBS director ever wants to stretch their dollars as far as they can go. Look through the list of VBS supplies many directors use and see if something catches your eye! These are some of the best deals I have found on Amazon Prime.

This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may receive a small commission. Please see my full disclosure policy for details.

If you aren’t an Amazon Prime member, don’t worry! Amazon has you covered today! Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial And you can take advantage of all of the bonuses that come with being an Amazon Prime member!

Here are a list of things all VBS directors should be checking out on Amazon Prime Day!

Crayons, Markers, and Scissors! Oh My!

Make it Stick – Adhesives and Things to help with Decorating

Name Tags, Lanyards, and Wristbands

7 thoughts on “Amazon Prime Day Deals for VBS Directors

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